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These are sites of people I've come to know over the years on the mailing lists I've been on.  They are about many different topics, some are specifically about a certain condition/special need where as others are general and about many different subjects.

Marion's Homepage(info on her 2 sons Hassan and Daniel and about special needs adoption)

DANNY about a young boy with cp

Leber's Links - Leber's Congenital Amaurosis Blindness & V.I.

FAS FAS  (about a beautiful young girl with FAS)

Welcome The story of Noah and VACTERLS syndrome

Rainbows Down Under resources for families of children with rare Trisomies.

Elias Homepage about a boy with Down's Syndrome who lives in Germany.

Pierre Robin Network The Mahserjian-Smith Home page  With stories of some wonderful kids and information about adoption, infertility, special needs children, foster care, & much more.

P.O.N.D.S Parents Of Near Drowns This is the story of twins who drowned, only one of whom survived.  It includes the story of Bobby and his recovery and resources for other families in a similar situation.


Bear at top of page was found in a general clip art collection on the internet.   If it belongs to you please let me know so I can give you credit.